Our Sustainable Vision
Since listing on the ASX in May 2021, Global Lithium Resources has commenced its ESG journey. During FY22, the Company established a Sustainability Committee to provide guidance, recommendations, and support to the Global Lithium Board with respect to environment, social and governance (ESG) matters including strategy, planning, policies and reporting.
Global Lithium has engaged sustainability specialists Futureproof to assist in developing a fit-for-purpose ESG program. This program involves a staged approach which starts with reviewing what ESG processes the Company has in place and benchmarking against peers.
A materiality assessment will be undertaken to identify the initial priority focus areas. An ESG Project team will be established, consisting of representatives from management and ESG technical specialists.
The materiality assessment will be guided by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Standards. It will include identifying and prioritising sustainability topics that are considered most important to the business and its stakeholders. This process also involves conducting stakeholder mapping to identify key stakeholders.
The next step is to develop our company-wide ambition for sustainability to ensure our activities align with Global Lithium’s Purpose, Values and Strategy. This will ensure that sustainability is a constant focus through all levels and functions of the business and provide a clear and consistent message for stakeholders.