Friday Night Lights
This month our Community Relations Manager Nicole Stein and Operations Manager Exploration Mufaro Hillary Mutika attended ‘Friday Night Lights’, a collaboration between the Shire of East Pilbara, Marble Bar Community Resource Centre, Marble Bar Police and Nursing Post to provide healthy fitness, sports and games to children and young people in Marble Bar.
These events help build and strengthen relationships between children and young people and service providers, particularly police and nursing staff, with a view of encouraging healthy and positive interactions. Through this children and young people in Marble Bar learn to trust, not fear, police and nursing staff, and are more likely to respond positively to them.
In conjunction with the police and nurses, Nicole gave a safety talk followed by a discussion about why bicycle helmets are important to wear. Global Lithium has donated bicycle helmets to this fantastic program which runs every Friday.
The evening finished off with some games and a BBQ. A great time was had by all!